New to Rhino, Having issues with pinching geometry

Hello All.

New to Rhino. Still learning how to properly model. I have a shape I’m trying to create and I’m not understanding what I need to do or how to properly describe it. See attached picture

Basically I’m trying to attach an arch shaped surface to a 90˚ corner and have the blended shape between them be more smooth. The blended shape moves from the arch smoothly but as it gets closer to the 90˚ obviously it’s going to have more of and edge to it. But I’d like to be able to smooth this out a bit more… and in my head there is a way to do this.

Anyone have any advice?

Also here is a link to a QT movie showing it.

search this forum for guitar / guitar neck.
there is some quite similar topic around…

not exactly:

maybe this ?

or here


maybe just a (not very good ?) reference:

additional not 100% hit

this looks like exactly the same problem:

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By invoking “blend” you are giving it conflicting information. On one hand you want it smooth, but you give it a sharp corner, so it correctly transitions the sharpness across the shape.

One way to do it, If you want it smooth, is try to construct the smooth shape first (with a network srf, or a loft) and THEN trim it at the intersection.
GuitarNeck.3dm (152.3 KB)

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Hi Drew- if I understand, you want the crease at the corner, but you want it to fade, correct? I don’t know if this is different or any better than what you have-
edgeFade.3dm (166.9 KB)



YES! Exactly What I’m trying to do. So simple. Thank you!

Thanks Pascal. Much appreciated.

Thanks Tom.

Appreciate it.

Hey ThomasAn…

Quick question.

When I did the same technique… it worked great.

Was looking at the model you sent. The volute (is that the correct term) you made on the left is an open poly. The one on the right is a trimmed surface…

How did you convert the open poly to a trimmed surface and what was your reasoning for doing it?

oh, they are not two steps. What I am showing in that file is two versions. One using loft (the simpler surface) and another solution using network srf (it has many more isoparms, I tend to avoid it, but gives you more control on its shape). Somehow Rhino, when doing the loft, it made it in two pieces as a polysurface.

By “trimmed surface”, I take it you mean the networkSrf version. You use the red guide curves along with the surface edge arc as inputs for NetowrkSrf.
(Note: for the loft version you also select the edge arc and then choose “Match start tangent”)
GuitarNeck.3dm (152.6 KB)


Thank you!


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