New layer visibility in Viewport Layouts

Wrapping up an architectural drafting project with heavy page Layout usage.

I spent quite a lot of time going back into layout pages that were finished to turn off newly created layers which automatically show up in all existing layout windows where they do not belong.

In my experience, having new layers default to “off” in existing layouts would have saved much time and frustration. I am sure there is a counterargument to that, so maybe an advanced setting to change the default to “off” would be helpful for those who prefer it that way?


Hi McNaden,

Yes- you explained the issue perfectly. I will add your vote for more new layer visibility control.

There is one workaround:

  1. Make a new layer.
  2. Go to any Layout and any Detail, activate it.
  3. In the new layer in the layer panel, and pick “On in this detail only”.
  4. Then turn it off in his detail too.
    Now if will only be on in the Model.

Rhino 8 will offer a little more control here with Layer OFF or ON in this Detail or ALL Details, in this Layout or ALL Layouts.
See more on Rhino 8 here.

Mary Ann Fugier
McNeel Support