New grasshopper user in need for help with advanced challenge

Greetings everyone!

I am new to grasshopper and it has been quite the challenge to create what I have in mind.
Hopefully one of the experts on this forum is able to help me out and get me started.

I want to create a program where I can input a certain shape planar surface and it will fill the surface with loops (curves that can have any shape with the ends closed) within the boundary of the surface. All loops need to have the same surface area. Every loops needs to overlap 9% with the other loops.

To summarize:

  • Fill a surface with loops (curves with amorphous shapes)

  • All loops must have the same surface area

  • All loops must have 9% overlap with eachother.

  • The amount of loops needs to be adjustable with a numberslider

  • The surface can have a hole inside that the loops will avoid.

Using grasshopper and trying to find the right information on the internet has been quite overwhelming for me. I honestly dont know where to start.
Thankyou so much for your help!


this is a pretty generic description :slight_smile:

I guess I’d probably start by populating the surface with overlaps, as those looks like the main constraint, and work a way from there

Hey Inno!

I changed the description.
Hopefully it’s more clear now what I am going for.