Nesting with sequence

Hi all,

Opennest is a fantastic plugin, thanks for that @Petras_Vestartas.

Say I have a list of 100 pieces in GH, which are ordered, for example along the X-axis. When I nest, they are placed randomly on a sheet. Would there be a way to keep the order, i.e sequence the nesting of the pieces?

Thank you!

what do you geometrically/logically mean with “to keep the order”? keep object proximity?

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They are sorted by size and placed near the closest point to previous element. So the order is lost.
Pack Objects components align objects by order, but it is a rectangular array. So short answer is no, not possible :slight_smile:

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my tool Wordle in Nautilus has some possibilities to do that but has some limitations.
Here an example with Polygons.

Sheet must contains all the shapes
Objects are not rotated

Or you can use Pack, but it will use biggest bounding box to place objects

wordle same (11.4 KB)

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Thank you for the quick and helpful responses!

This gets me a long way; Both options work well :slight_smile: . One thing I am still struggling with now, is how to allow for multiple sheets with a given dimension…Like opennest would do.

Thanks again!

You can have multiple sheet by doing something like that, the trick is to have a single mesh at the end. But as it is pixels it has not guarantee that objects will not intersect.

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If all the pieces are identical, that might be possible. Otherwise, it seems reasonable that packing them onto sheets would take precedence over original sequence, eh? Maybe an option?

@laurent_delrieu - In all of your images, I don’t see a label for zero or one?

That is great. Unfortunately, non-random ‘packing’ with wordle causes a problem where not all geometry is included in the transformation.

In the example I am using (gh included, n = 75):

Random Placement (RndPlace = true):

Non-random Placement (RndPlace = false):

→ here, only 39/75 sections are nested.

My application for this is in laser cutting/cnc milling sections to create different types of sculptures. I sure can sort them physically after cutting, but with larger or more complex sculptures, that can be a lot of work and prone to error. Therefore, I was wondering if there was a possibility of more ‘assorted’ nesting.

Thanks again… (1.7 MB)

if all shapes are not packed, this means the tools has stopped after a number of calculations.
There is 1 millions of trys, so just put 10000000 (10 millions) and it must work

I think it could be good you mark your pieces, if you have a place hidden you could make sort of barcode.
If engraving is possible OpenNest has some single font. I also have Cistercian number in Nautilus


Thank you so much. Really helpful, I didn’t pay attention to the trys imput.

Lovely, the Cistercian numeral. Seems fairly easy to learn and indeed very very, handy for these kind of applications. Thanks again!

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