Nesting and optimizing and sort 2D surface on a sheet for laser cut

Hi Everyone.
I have these surfaces, I’m trying to collect them on sheets, optimizing the space between them and keeping the sort list.
basically it for print them on a laser cut machine
OpenNest seems doesn’t consider the sort list.
Do you have any Idea?
Maybe in Kangaroo?

what do you mean by keeping the sorted list? you just want to space them along one single direction in such a way there is always a minimum distance between each two consecutive items?

for sure you can get that with a loop, please post some geometries (grasshopper file with internalized relevant geometries) but also with Kangaroo it might be a funny task :slight_smile:

Hi Inno,
Thanks for reply

“you just want to space them along one single direction in such a way there is always a minimum distance between each two consecutive items?”
Yes, its exactly as you said

Here le GH
2d (83.4 KB)

like for everything in life, here is a dirty prototype with a lot of suffering
I truly think there are only ways to do this better and cleaner… anyway :+1: (97.0 KB)

A takes planar curves on XY
B defines where the final curve array starts
C defines the direction of the array and the minimum step each curve is moved to try to avoid collision with the previous one
D defines “once the two curves are not touching anymore, how much more space you want there to be between them?”
E is the final result

quick demo:

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Hi Inno.
Im Back to the office.
thanks a lots !!

That was exactly what I meant!!

Have a nice day!
