Hi everyone.
i have problem with simplifying the panels to lyzer cutting. i used Open Nest but i could not do it. in facet i want to arrange all of plates on the flat sheet for lyzer cutting. on the other due to numerous plates, maybe we forget the location of each plates in executive phase. as result i need to make numbers or name for each. and i could not also. please help me
Nest Solution.gh (775.3 KB)
You have some problems with your geometry.
There are 4 locations where there are overlapping breps. It looks like perhaps you had some failures with boolean difference operations when you created them.
I made corrections in these 4 locations.
I numbered the breps in thier original positions.
Nested geometry and transformed the numbering.
Nest Solution_230527a.gh (795.5 KB)
thank you very very much Dear Kevin for you help.
yes you right i think my meshes had a problem; i mean after building the meshes, the untrimmed surfaces return to the trimmed surfaces. .
i attached the main file. can you take a look at that? maybe you can find the wrong.
thanks in advance
Nest Solution.gh (61.9 KB)
and also how do you correct the geometry at first of algorithm?
You are trying to make surfaces with holes in them by scaling polylines (triangles) and using the Boundary Surfaces component. You are inputting 582 polylines which should produce 291 surfaces (582/2 = 291) but you are getting 297 surfaces.
If you put the polylines in a DataTree with each branch containing the polylines necessary to make 1 surface, the Boundary Surfaces component produces the correct number of surfaces. I can’t explain why it doesn’t work the way you were doing it. Using this method is also more efficient (the Boundary Surfaces component takes less time since it is only using the necessary curves to construct each surface).
I also used a different method to make closed breps from the generated surfaces.
constructing_breps_230528a.gh (70.6 KB)
If you’re asking how I corrected this in the file I posted previously, I just baked the geometry to Rhino, corrected it manually, and re-referenced it in grasshopper (pretty quick if you only have a few corrections to make).
thanks a lot @kev.r . i figured out.
Dear @kev.r , i have another problem, the Open nest can do nesting for panels but for joints i get a error
and i think it is because of referenced breps.
- System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at OpenNestLib.OpenNestUtil.BrepLoops(Brep B)
at OpenNest.OpenNestFullComponentCleanUp.GooToOutlines(List`1 geo_)
at OpenNest.OpenNestFullComponentCleanUp.SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA)
can you check it?
thanks in advance
nesting.gh (527.5 KB)
You can correct the errors from the OpenNest component by using the outer edges of the surfaces for the Geo input. You can then use the Transform output from the OpenNest component to position the surfaces.
The InscribeCircle component is having errors because it wants polylines as input and you are supplying polycurves. This can be corrected by passing the polycurves through the Curve To Polyline component.
Changes are in yellow groups.
nesting_re.gh (535.2 KB)
It takes some time to nest the joints (~25 sec. on my old computer). This can be improved by correcting the problems with the geometry for the joints noted below.
You have 2 circular surfaces with 1 notch at most of the locations instead of a single circular surface with 2 notches.
There are 10 locations where there is only 1 circular surface with 1 notch (shown in yellow).
there is also 1 extraneous small rectangular surface.
Here’s the result of nesting the “joints” geometry in the file you provided.
thank you so much @kev.r . it works perfectly
thank you for your spending time
@kev.r i promise that this is my last request. i want to have tow points on the surface on the each edge of triangle so that they are facing each other exactly. i tried so much but i cant.
please help me.
nesting.gh (97.2 KB)
The file you uploaded has referenced geometry that is not internalized.
is provided. thanks
nesting.gh (51.7 KB)
I think this is what you’re trying to accomplish (rear facing geometry clipped for visibility).
230605_simplified_a.gh (25.6 KB)
(simplified file, base geometry copied from your file)
In the previous file I uploaded, the points are perpendicular to the centerline between the panels.
Here’s a different version where the points are equidistant from the ends of the panel edges (again, rear facing geometry clipped for visibility).
230605_simplified_b.gh (31.2 KB)
@kev.r thanks for your effort. but i think some points are perpendicular and some not. for example i mentioned one.
nesting.gh (27.7 KB)
In the first file I posted, all of the points are perpendicular.
In the second file I posted, none of the points are exactly perpendicular, the closest one is 90.092101°. There could be some perpendicular points with the right input geometry, but not with the geometry you provided.
The points you marked are at 92.799859° and 87.90905°.
After the first version of this file I posted, you wrote:
Parallel to what?
Symmetry in relation to what?
If you could provide a better description of what your goal is I might be able to help.
nesting-160601-230608a.gh (44.8 KB)
thank you @kev.r in fact it was solution.