OpenNest 2 Duplicate Geometry

I’m quite new to Grasshopper and I’m having some trouble with OpenNest 2. In the attached file I’ve managed to get my desired geometry nested out onto sheets for CNC cutting. However, each shape appears twice. Any help in how to exclude half of the shapes would be greatly appreciated. Also, it’s important that the part tags correspond accurately to the original, fully assembled brep for fabrication/assembly purposes. Currently both the back and front faces of each part are being labeled when only one should be. I hope that makes sense, happy to clarify anything. Thank you! (6.0 MB)

I think you missed the fact that you have a Brep (closed 3D) and a Brep (flat) in the same data tree, as they are not on the same branch (datatree) OpenNest thinks it is 2 different geometry.

Also taking the center for the label is not the best way as some shapes have hole !!

In order to place Tag in the biggest zone I use one my Nautilus plugin tool that output inscribed circles, I sort them by radius and then reverse the list and then take the first. If you don’t reverse the list you can take the last using index=-1 (1.2 MB)

Laurent - I really appreciate you taking the time to help me, thank you! A few issues remain:

  1. I see you changed the input geometry from 3D breps to flat surfaces. Is there a way this could remain as 3D breps as in my original file? That would be very helpful.

  2. For fabrication/assembly purposes I need to see a tagged, fully assembled, complete model as shown in the attached image. Is this something you could help me achieve? I was able to do this somewhat in my original file by previewing both the input breps and its associated Text module.

Thanks again!

The best way is to work properly and and data well organized, Datatree with surface and datatree with brep, tags …
As it is not here a way to deal with that. As it is also not ordered I add to check which center gravity is near the other center of gravity …

Then place Tags not in thin air but on a real surface, so I reuse my tools (check the displacement I used (0.254), it must be half the thickness.

I also added a Bin Packing, not necessary but could be useful.

I suppress the Hull component, not sure it is useful here as you have a nice surface.

opennest_help (1).gh (6.0 MB)

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Laurent - I’m speechless, this is wonderful. I can’t thank you enough for your time and thorough explanations. I’m trying to progress with grasshopper and you have been a huge help!