I am using Rhino 8. I found this pattern script on here for a facade I am trying to recreate. However, I am new to Grasshopper, so I need help applying it to my surface and extruding it. I have attached the script below and the surfaces I am trying to attach it to.
copper skin.gh (2.2 MB)
Surfaces.3dm (231.6 KB)
Check out some of Joseph’s examples on using the Image Sampler
Too bad GH doesn’t show the Image Sampler on those old examples. Makes them useless
What is the Rhino file for?
those are the surfaces i am trying to apply the pattern too
What do you mean by showing the image sampler?
I just noticed that GH wires always appear as single unbroken lines, regardless of lists (double lines expected) or branches (broken lines expected). In both R7 and R8.
Is this a bug? Or is there a setting for it somewhere? I haven’t been using GH much lately and don’t know how this happened? It is extremely disruptive…
Unfortunately, I don’t know why it does that. I got this script from a different topic on here, where it talks about the facade I am trying to recreate.
I am trying to do something like this, but with the script I attached on this topic. How do I begin to do that?
Thank you, that works. I forgot about that ‘Display | Draw Fancy Wires’ option (hidden in plain sight if you know where to look). I wonder how it was changed? Why would anyone disable that feature? DANGEROUS