Need help with attaching this pattern script to a surface

I am using Rhino 8. I found this pattern script on here for a facade I am trying to recreate. However, I am new to Grasshopper, so I need help applying it to my surface and extruding it. I have attached the script below and the surfaces I am trying to attach it to.
copper (2.2 MB)
Surfaces.3dm (231.6 KB)

Check out some of Joseph’s examples on using the Image Sampler

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Too bad GH doesn’t show the Image Sampler on those old examples. Makes them useless :exclamation:

What is the Rhino file for?

those are the surfaces i am trying to apply the pattern too

What do you mean by showing the image sampler?

I just noticed that GH wires always appear as single unbroken lines, regardless of lists (double lines expected) or branches (broken lines expected). In both R7 and R8.

Is this a bug? Or is there a setting for it somewhere? I haven’t been using GH much lately and don’t know how this happened? It is extremely disruptive… :frowning:

Its an example of how to use the image sampler.

That would be the Draw Fancy Wires option…

Unfortunately, I don’t know why it does that. I got this script from a different topic on here, where it talks about the facade I am trying to recreate.

I am trying to do something like this, but with the script I attached on this topic. How do I begin to do that?

Thank you, that works. I forgot about that ‘Display | Draw Fancy Wires’ option (hidden in plain sight if you know where to look). I wonder how it was changed? Why would anyone disable that feature? DANGEROUS :bangbang:

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