Need help urgent

if anyone out there could offer some advice… I am working on a project and it is due tomorrow and my file wont save because I kept putting off validating my license… I can’t find a way to validate it anymore . Please help.


Help > About Rhinoceros > Licenses tab. Is it this what you’re looking for?

thanks so much but it says that the service is unavailable… it was the right answer… I do appreciate the help… looks like I am not going to have a very good day.

Hi @earache Not sure if this is a stab in the dark, but if you have sorted out the licencing and need a restart of rhino but can’t save what you have done at the moment you could try to run Rhino again without closing the current session, ie. with the current one still open, goto start menu and run RHino again in another session(now validated). Then Select all your work and Copy to Clipboard (CTRL-C), and Paste (CTRL-V) into the licensed running session of Rhino. Now SAVE from that session of Rhino.
Another hopeful effort might be to copy what you have done to clipboard, close Rhino, Re-open and paste your work back into the new session(Which is now licensed and can save). There is a warning when you close Rhino about large ammount of RHino data on the Clipboard. Remember to click YES for the data to be available to other sessions of Rhino. I have tested the copy/close/open/paste and this works, but I’m not sure if your current session being out of license will allow this.

I activate my license for 90 days,and I used it, but the time expired. I ´m using Rhinoceros to create some geometries for my degree final job. Exist any chance for extend my license more days???


Nope, sorry- 90 days is it…
