Need help updating script

Hey folks!

I found this very cool script by @DanielPiker called ‘wrinkly’ (18.2 KB). I’m hoping to study and learn from it, but some of its components don’t open in my current Rhino version (8.6). The components are white blocks and I can’t figure out what they are. Could you please help me out?

I downloaded the script from Differential Growth in Curves - Grasshopper. While other software (or purely code) could achieve this, I find that kangaroo’s physics can be really helpful in the collision part but also visualizing (also grasshopper is just great), so, I’m trying to build some thing on the giant’s shoulder with this script. :mechanical_arm:

Thanks a ton!

I finally got this pop-up, which shows the missing components, to come back after trying many different ways

A small plugin will solve this problem forever.

Usually, when you open a legacy Grasshopper file like this, the program tells you which plug-ins you need to install. After their installation, the missing components should automatically be filled in.

In my case, the following plugins are missing (could be different for you, I use very few nowadays):

This is all pure speculation, but here are my guesses.

The last component here should be Loop Subdivision from Weaverbird, since it’s the only one featuring exactly three inputs, which should be M, L, and S.
I think it subdivides the resulting mesh and maybe smoothes it, which makes it optional or less essential. You could probably substitute it with something like Refine from Kangaroo 2 (which comes with Rhino nowadays).

Here the huge component with many inputs is probably some version of MeshMashine, I recognize Daniel’s “prototyping” signature here. :wink:
This was a remeshing plug-in back in the day, and can be replaced by Quad- or TriRemesh in modern Rhino, depending on topology you want.
I’m not really sure what is plugged in to its last input. Probably the Sequence from Kangaroo 1, which back then performed a stepped animation, much like the StepSolver now, but it works totally different.

The small component that’s plugged between the Item and Mesh could be a PlanktonMesh component, which casts the Rhino mesh to a Plankton one. If I remember right the PlanktonMesh is a half-edge data structure whereas the Rhino one at least used to be a basic mesh. Half-edge meshes make things like finding faces (cycles) and adjacent faces to vertices and half-edges a breeze.

If you’re feeling adventurous, there’s also a 6-part tutorial series on YouTube (link) that shows how to program differential growth yourself in C#. It also can be done in Python.