Need help, struggling with loft sequences / creating slope

My aim is to create picture 1, I can easily create that form, however I want to create it with a slope and gradient, I selected the curve and created the formular as seen in picture 2, I created points and raised them to create a slant etc.

Picture 3, shows the result, I do not know how to reorganise the loft sequence so it follows around neatly so I can cap the loft, I am quite new to grasshopper, I am more than happy to provide my file for someone to help me.

It is stressing me out, I have no idea how to sort it or if I am complicating it and theres another method to create the slope.
Thank you.


PICTURE 2 - Formular

PICTURE 3 - Results

Hello, please provide your file with internalized geometry !

Hi there, please find them below

MBAN - WORK IN (20.3 KB)

I’ve done three methods and documented them to the point - I hope - you’ll be able to understand the differences.

The loft option won’t allow you to follow the side curves, for that a Sweep 2 is needed. It doesn’t get a very nice result however, so I added an extra idea of cutting an extrusion by a sloped plane.

If you could, rebuilding the rails so that there are no C1 discontinuities would also give a nicer result for the sides.

MBAN - WORK IN (28.3 KB)


Thank you ever so much! I appreciate you taking your time to show me the alternative methods! The red and green sweeps is shaped originally what I wanted but I had no idea how to do it! Can’t thank you enough! This has helped so much!! :smile: