Need help please for this im a student in need

The task is to design a conceptual project for an overpass at a roundabout intersection. The goal is to create a design and 3D model of an overpass in the form of a bridge connecting all the roads/stations at the roundabout in Prishtina.

You need to create an overpass that serves as a pedestrian walkway or plaza, providing connections between the spaces/points marked in blue in the file. This overpass should allow movement from one point to another on the roundabout, or it could combine multiple functions, such as including a bike path (with ramps for bike access according to the appropriate angle), a café, viewing spots, greenery, a rest park, etc. The overpass should include ramps, stairs, or lifts for accessibility and must adhere to proper proportions and standards for human use (not just abstract).

Attached below is the file (version 6 or 8 of Rhino) where you should model the task. After opening it, save the file as your name, and submit the file at the end!
Use any modeling techniques you prefer, but the result cannot simply be a collection of basic geometries like boxes or cylinders stacked on top of each other. It must be a thoughtful design that makes sense in terms of function, construction, design, and aesthetics. The model should be creative (you can replicate elements from the examples provided below).

The scene should include the 3D model, with geometry for flooring/tiles, columns, the structure, stairs, railings, covers if any, etc. Try to be creative, considering the overpass will be used by people (so make sure the proportions and dimensions are reasonable – if, for example, the stairs have 3-4 steps and reach a height of 5 meters, it will be considered illogical, and your task will be canceled).

It is mandatory that at least ~30% of the structure is covered, so you can combine some areas with a roof and others uncovered, or all of them can be covered. The roof can be for shading or even protection from rain.

You can link the bus waiting stations in the shape of a circle, triangle, square, ellipse, or some other design, or create paths that cross through the roundabout in some other way. You can start with lines or curves to create surfaces, domes, or other methods. You can use symmetry/reflection in your design.

Place ready-made models of people, vehicles, and greenery that you download from the internet (preferably from sites like Chaos Cosmos) into the scene. The models should be as simple as possible (low poly) since the renders will be conceptual, not realistic.

For at least one element, such as the fence, columns, ramps, roof, or structure, you need to use Grasshopper for parametric design. The model should have the ability to change parametrically in Grasshopper:
If you create a fence, and the overpass model has symmetry or reflection, you can create the fence as a parametric element and then use “Bake” to copy the geometry into Rhino, placing the elements in the correct positions based on your design. Similarly, you can do the same for the columns or other elements.

The goal is to demonstrate the ability to change the shape of a modeled element parametrically. You can replicate examples from online tutorials and use them in your design. You are free to model the entire overpass in Grasshopper if you wish!

For the parametric element you choose to use in the final overpass design, bake it and copy it if necessary to the correct locations in your design. Submit the file once completed.

DS_Start_8.3dm (14.4 MB)

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Hi @Erzan_Berisha
I’m almost afraid to ask: What is it you specifically need help with? Because if this is you asking the kind people here to do your homework for you, I’m afraid you’ll find nothing but harsh words and ridicule. If you have a more specific problem in terms of modeling or how to solve a specific task in Rhino, feel free to elaborate, post a 3dm file with your progress, relevant sketches, screengrabs etc.
HTH, Jakob


I totally agree with @Normand but it is interesting to see some real architecture exercise. I am not an architect but this looks like a very good task where you need to use what you have surely learn during you course (architecture constrain, laws, 3d modeling …).
I’d say, be creative begin with some hand sketches, put the elements like stairs, ramps elevator … and then you can make some modelling. This forum will gladly help if you have some Rhinoceros or Grasshopper problem.
You can read that it will help you to use this forum

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