Need help on grasshopper

Hello I am very new to grasshopper and rhino 8, I am trying to combine a spiral tower script with another script that pulls out specific points on a surface. The end goal is to have this tower combined with these pull out points along it faces.

I had a go trying to put it together and got to a certain point but now im a bit stuck on where to go. I need this ready to be 3d printed as well.

Here im linking the two scripts separately (16.2 KB)
example (19.6 KB)

this next link is the current file I’ve worked on (62.8 KB)

many thanks

Asking people to examine three GH scripts is a little much. I looked only at your “current file” but it has extra bits that are surely irrelevant so is not easy to understand.

The output doesn’t help:

Your thread title is useless. Can you narrow down your question please?

1. Choose a descriptive title for your post
Don’t title your question Help! or I have a problem or Deadline tonight! , but actually describe the problem you are having.

P.S. I started to look again at your GH code but quickly stopped when I saw this:

You go to the trouble of creating a massive 3D array of points (Box Array), wrap a Bounding Box around them and then ignore the points completely :interrobang: WHAT :question: Why didn’t you just create the box?

I can’t look anymore.