Need help creating a sequence between two curves

Hello Grasshopper comunity,

I would like some help with a grasshopper script that can make this pattern between two curves.

As you can see, whenever the lines reach a length to close to the bottom curve for it to add an additional x value, these start to shorten until the length is equal again to x and ascending again and so on until the end.

Thank you, (10.2 KB)

been a bit tricky so I ended using a little C#.
it must work in 3D.

curve (9.6 KB)

  private void RunScript(List<double> lst_distances, double stepDistance, ref object A)
    bool isGoingUp = true;//If true increment taking one at each step
    double distance = stepDistance;
    int increment = 1;

    List<double> lst_distancesOutput = new  List<double>();

    for (int i = 0; i < lst_distances.Count; i++)
      if (isGoingUp == true)
        increment += 1;//if true = add 1
        increment -= 1;//if true = minus 1

      distance = stepDistance * increment;
      //If difference less than 1 stepDistance => going down
      if (Math.Abs(distance - lst_distances[i]) < stepDistance)
        isGoingUp = false;
      if (distance > lst_distances[i])//if increment is too big
        increment -= 1;
        isGoingUp = false;
      if (increment == 1) //If reach 1 => isGoing Up = true
        isGoingUp = true;
      lst_distancesOutput.Add(stepDistance * increment);

    A = lst_distancesOutput;
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Thank you very much :smiley:

Oh yeah, I forgot about the stepped pattern… I can see how looping could be very helpful with that.

Your second curve param is not internalized.

What does that mean? That it should be written to require two (co-planar?) curves at any orientation?

As I use Perpendicular frame and intersection of second curve with this plane it must work in 3d. The example given by George could be simplified if first curve is always going on X direction.

And with curve internalized and some simplifications

curve (10.4 KB)