NameView Manager is a script that saves/restores views+cplanes+layer states in one shot. It was first written by Mattias D’Hooghe for V4. Fixed by @pascal for V5. But I thing some SR in V5 has broken it.
I just realized that one of it’s features, the call out to the dialogue box with all views) is not working anymore in either V5 nor V6. Saving and restoring seems to be working fine, but I cannot call up teh list of all views anymore. For that the command was:
Dunno - probably, but at the moment it is not fixed at all… not sure what is up with it. Nothing leaps out at me so far. @gustojunk - can you send me the original-orignal script? From before my monkeying it for V5? I do not seem to have it any more. Thanks,
Hi Gustavo - as I recall, part of the monkeying that I did was to convert the thing to ‘drag and drop’, do I remember right? The original script, no drag and drop, kinda works off of the buttons in the toolbar provided, with a couple of tweaks, I’ll at least get that back out here shortly if all goes well.
@gustojunk So, this seems to work - it will drag and drop to load and load in the future, but it does not have any aliases this time, it needs the toolbar to run. Try: Save, drag and drop this, close and reopen Rhino and the toolbar and see if it does anything good… NamedViewMgr_PG_12_12_16.rvb (18.6 KB)
So does this show on startup or on pushing a toolbar button? Oh, also, open Options > RhinoScript, look in the list there and make sure there is not another version of the script also loading.
It shows on startup. Only one button doe snot work. The one that is for Re:Namedviews, inside that button there’s the command ! _-RunScript “ReNamedViews”
The other buttons work despite teh error message at startup. Makes sense?
Hi Gustavo - it almost makes sense - the error on startup is clearly wrong and I don’t get it here, so I’m swimming a bit on that, I’ll check with Dale F, he might have an idea. The rename button fails with an error here if I have a view available to rename at all, otherwise it behaves correctly - tells me there is no named view in the file. I’ll take a look.
correct, it’s working as expected when there are no saved views. But it’s failing when there are saved views. It’s doing nothing and it’s supposed to bring up a dialog/window with all the existing saved views where you can select them, make them active, rename, delete, etc.
Hi Gustavo - this is a very clunky fix so far, but I think it works…er, better. Please give it s spin - if it behaves, I’ll try to clean it up under the hood. Not that YOU would care!