Named positions is buggy becomes unusable

V7 latest sr 34.

I am running into problems using named positions. All of sudden named position placed objects that I had arranged in the same location stacking them on top of each other. At first I thought my objects were deleted. But I did notice that it saved the correct locations of the objects in one named position only, argh. I don’t have history turned on for any of these objects and I didn’t move them or save any other named positions before this happened.

I also saw named positions deleted a few objects at one point or rejects objects in the named position.

I also see that named positions attaches newly created objects even though they are not part of or were never stored in named positions. They move with the named positions to weird rotations and locations when I activate a named position.

Lastly this interface is so clumsy and error prone, especially when updating or adding objects. If you have to add objects to 10 named positions that already have tons of objects it just becomes overwhelming and a waste of time.

And although I never expected this to work with history these two tools in rhino are destructively exclusive making it impossible to use Named positions if you have history enabled argh yet another caveat in Mcneel’s tools.

The developer who coded this could have come up with a better way to add and remove objects. Like a bounding box that updates anything that is inside of it or lists where you can add and subtract objects rather than selecting objects and saving a position, how primitive and error prone can you get?

Since rhino has no constraints or animation and I am creating a complex tank artillery gun that moves along a conveyor has alt-az rotations etc. and moving shells that load into the gun, I need to move things around in rhino before I model and export this to my animation program, but this tool is a pain to use and I’ve been running into bugs. I thought I could use Named positions to check rotations and clearances of my objects as I model them, when it works the tool is great but getting it to work as one progresses in a model and is changing shapes and adding or deleting objects is the challenge that the developer never cared to consider.

Please make a bounding box that one can fill with objects instead of selecting and saving objects to named positions also a list of objects contained in each named position where the objects can be
selected or disabled.

Make it work with history.


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Yet another bug?

I have a cylinder object as part of a named position. If I close named positions and then scale the object, in this case the cylinder and then evoke a named position the object scales back to it’s original size it was when the named position was saved. Leaving me with only undo to get the object back to it’s edited newer shape and the inability to go into that named position and update it.

Is this expected behavior? I wouldn’t expect scale to be included in position. This makes it impossible to further model objects stored in a named position.

As a user enhancement there should be scale, rotation, and location checkboxes under position or as a sub menu when one clicks on a named position

At any rate I don’t think scale should be included currently. If objects are modified they should still work in the named position but with the current editing and not revert to the named position’s saved object state.