Naked edges everytime I attempt to make a cut through subD

Hello all,

I am having troubles getting rid of naked edges, I have tried turning it into mesh, joining the edges, extending/trimming, exploding then joining… nothing, so I am unable to 3D print this. I can tell there is legit space between the subD and NURBS planes I want to attach it to but I cannot for the life of me figure out how to prevent a naked edge from appearing whenever I try to make a cut through my subD surface or mesh. I have gone over a bunch of other threads on this forum and still nothing… If anyone could be of any assistance that would be awesome. Thanks guys!

Moved to SubD category

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anytime you trim a subd, it converts to a nurbs polysurface.

can you post a file?

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Thank you, I just got it!

Make sure to run ToNURBS on the SubD you want to Trim or Split first. This will pack as many quads as possible into single surfaces in the resulting PolySrf.