Naked Edge Nightmare

Hi there,

Trying to process this file for 3D printing but my slicer keeps tripping up on the naked edges. I tried shrinkwrapping in Rhino 8. It works well enough but creates a mesh that is too round and also doesn’t really fit well with the rest of the geometry in the print.

As its a fairly complicated geometry, I’d ideally like to avoid manually rebuilding as much as possible.

Will post the file below.

Thank you for your help!

Fix Trough Rhino 7.3dm (4.1 MB)

Dear @Brandt_Rentel
I doubt there is a reliable fast method to get correct data fast.
(maybe some mesh based approach ?
looks like you have multiple nearly parallel surfaces.
second screenshot is with a clipping plane - this shows the problematic “multi-wrapping” of the design-intent.
my guess is you have to re-model most surfaces.
_MergeAllCoplanarFaces will remove a few of the problems.

kind regards -tom

Thanks Tom! I went ahead and just rebuilt it manually, it isn’t the exact geometry but for my purposes it is plenty close.

I appreciate your advice!