Hi everyone,
I am working in a medical center as an engineer, doing medical image processing and modeling.
I can still remember the first day I used Grasshopper two years before, and it’s such an exciting day! I realized that it would be my most powerful tool for modeling. Since then, I can say I have no single day without Grasshopper. And in two years, I have published four first-(co) author papers in Scientific Reports (IF=4.379). The modeling based on Grasshopper always plays a crucial role in all these studies.
Besides the powerful function of GH, I also thank so many guys in the forum for offering kind helps and suggestions. Without your help, I can’t get these achievements. Especially I want to thank Gijs, Hs_Kim, Joseph_Oster, DanielPiker, Laurent Delrine, seghierkhaled, and Michael_Pryor. It’s my honor to communicate with you on this forum and have your kind helps. Also, thanks to the other guys who helped me!
Finally, I think it is just the beginning of the application of GH to the medical field. More works and publications are ahead. I wish more progress of GH and more success to all of you!