Multiply 3 arrays of points to construct 3d point cloud


Fairly simpel question but I cant find.
I would like to create a point cloud based on 3 input lists.

list 1: points in x direction
list 2: points in y-direction
list 3: points in z-direction

multiply points to create a 3d point cloud of;
3x3x3=27 points

Any suggestions?
something with cross referenc? but how in 3 directions?

2021-03-18 Combine point array - to generate 3d point (2.3 KB)

starting points;

Wanted result


Something like this? (3.5 KB)

or use Array


Thank you for your answer, I forgot my file to add (is available now).
Your solution is close.
However, in my example we already have points ‘before’ te CrossRef component.

And I didn’t manage to combine the point via the Crossref.
Do you have any suggestions?

2021-03-18 Combine point array - to generate 3d point (12.4 KB)

Thank you in advance :slight_smile:

many output points are the same…

This only works because your initial points are so nicely ordered. (1st set X-coordinates, 2nd set Y’s and 3rd set Z’s). I have a feeling there is a much smarter way of doing this. 2021-03-18 Combine point array - to generate 3d point (15.9 KB)