I was experimenting with some code to pick objects in Revit and realized that Rhino Inside Revit has the same shortcomings as I was experiencing.
It’s impossible to sequentially use multiple dragging window selection methods to add/remove multiple objects from the selection.
Is it an API limitation? I would like to have this handy selection method working for regular RiR components and if it’s possible (and you don’t mind sharing the secret) to know how to do that in Python so I can use this code in my Human UI Revit selector.
I noticed there is a new RiR component “Pick Elements” so you must be up to something
Right now it works strange, but it’s from daily build. Also, can you please add an input inside ZUI that will switch from using this UI button to receiving external boolean data to invoke selection? This way I could use this component inside Human UI.
The selecting and interacting with Revit is we are looking to improve. If i understand correctly you are looking for multiple crossing window selections from the Rhino to the Revit UI. Is there a particular workflow you are trying to achieve?
We don’t support the Human UI interaction, although some have gotten it to work for their needs.
I recorded the screen to best illustrate this inconvienance. Please check this short video.
First selection method is regular Revit window selection, as you can see I can combine multiple window selections to modify selection.
Second selection is when I try to set mutliple inputs for Graphical Element primitive. I can’t combine mutliple window selections, if I try I need to start from scratch.
Hey, I am not sure if that would help… but you could select the elements first inside of Revit and then inside grasshopper right click > set multiple graphical elements… and it will get the active selection inside of Revit.