Multipipe experiment

Will really appreciate some tips n’ tricks with multipipe. :beers: :slightly_smiling_face:

I’m having trouble controlling it.

here’s sample file:
subD_settings_not (18.9 KB)

This version is similar to previous thread focused on nurbs polysrf and fillets, but instead this next experiment I’d like to try using subD.

here’s image showing my struggle with the subd version:

I could probably mend everything manually, but automation is important.

Maybe this can help.


Yes, that kinda helped me understand it more. :slightly_smiling_face: :beers:

Oh I see I should probably read that whole thread :sweat_smile: :coffee:

Depending on how much you’re planning on manipulating the result manually after the multipiping, creating mesh pipes of each curve / polyline and then shrinkwrapping the mesh pipes might be an alternative approach…

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That’s a really good point. It might lead to that. I hope GH supports shrinkwrap :slightly_smiling_face: (6.4 KB)

I’m using this script to create mesh pipes.

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How do I apply this to curves though …

interesting, so do I worry about the intersections, or do I just shrinkwrap it :sweat_smile:

Just shrinkwrap it.

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:open_mouth: :star_struck: :beers:

looking forward to smoothing this out some and converting back to subD :sweat_smile:

this is so cool :exploding_head:

mesh pipes w shrinkwrap in grasshopper :star_struck: :beers: huge props :money_mouth_face: @martinsiegrist

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In theory you can Quad Remesh the result but I’m not sure if that leads to a nice SubD…

This approach with Mesh Pipes and Shrinkwrap is more of a quick approach that leads to a similar shape like Multipipe, but without having to do any tweaking to the curves.

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I believe it’s possible it can work well. I’m confident I could do it manually from here in Rhino commands. If GH is slightly different result I’m sure it can get better.

I hope GH can do it automation-wise though, cause this is awesome! :sunglasses:

I just have to figure out GH remesh settings lol

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Post some screenshots of the result…

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looks rough atm, not seeing setting for subd, maybe adding component brb

looks good now, got it converted to subd:

I think these are very good results, for what I’ve been looking for.

There is that proverbial spiral parms effect though in the subd haha.

I like the results though, good signs here in this workflow.

SubD from Mesh

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awesome :beers: GH is the best CAD :slightly_smiling_face: just got to make sure devs keep making components for everything :grin:

Now I need to find that thread how to reduce the ‘spiral effect’ on the parms lol :sweat_smile:

But I can probably just hide the parms. haha

I’ll make a sample file brb

The sample spirals much less lol:

can’t share whole logo cause top secret :slightly_smiling_face: (19.3 KB)

I’m very happy with the results of this workflow you’ve helped me learn more about.

I’ve spent many hrs doing this manually, but this new recipe in GH is going to make it much more feasible – also gets me access to higher detail. And I see lots of room for growth here. :beers:

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