Multipanel Facade unroll "layflat"

it makes sense, though it’d be of help to look at whatever original, preferably 4-sided untrimmed surface you were using prior to paneling.

In your model all we get are thickened pieces:

for this simple example I made a fake (untrimmed) ‘original’:

so I default into recommending lunchbox or bullant plugins for quick solutions, though there’s also ‘map curve to surface’ component that should map all fine if you construct an unrolled version :slight_smile:
2019_07_10_Panels Srf (53.6 KB)

[edit] for your A & B questions, depends on what you choose to do…for fabrication I usually leave booleans until the end as much as I can given they’re slow and faulty - sticking to points and curves always helps with speed.

You can also look into surface morph before paneling like in here:
