When I was unrolling surfaces which are facade panels, I couldn’t organize them the way I wanted.
Can anyone help me with the layout as shown in the picture? or give me some links in the forum, thanks a lot!
Looks like an unfolding/flattening workaround as opposed to ‘unrolling’ - perhaps with kangaroo - however it also looks like your end (desired) result features an ‘unwelded’ condition along the edges of the top smaller surfaces. How did you get to that result in the first place?
Sure, hence the question: how did you unroll it like that in the first place in order to show the desired result. Just manually…?
The 3-D object and the flattened result appear to be different entities. I point it out because if the disconnected vertices in your 2-D layout were actually unwelded in the 3-D one then a mesh unfold/flatten approach is doable, perhaps the polysurface one as well via a python code, which I have seen.