I noticed that the MRU toolbar is still pretty wonky. If you pick an icon from the MRU the icon is duplicated. That’s not how it should work.
I noticed that the MRU toolbar is still pretty wonky. If you pick an icon from the MRU the icon is duplicated. That’s not how it should work.
Hi Dan -
If I get this right, this one is currently on the “Future” list:
Hi Wim,
I remember that discussion with Pascal. I was hoping for more control over the MRU toolbar. But this is a different issue that relates to basic functionality. If the user picks one of the icons in the MRU toolbar, that icon is duplicated. It shouldn’t be (and hasn’t been since this was introduced a long time ago). The MRU toolbar should only populate when icons are selected anywhere but the MRU toolbar. Maybe this short video will clarify the issue.
Hi Dan -
Sorry about that. Does this one that Pascal just put on the list better reflect the issue you are seeing?
→ RH-77516 Toolbar: MRU repeats custom buttons
Yes, Pascal described the issue accurately.