Moving randomly created points in Voronoi pattern

Is there a way to get access to the points randomly created by PopulateGeometry tool. I am creating a Voronoi patter with PopGeo and want to use something alternative to seed slider. Maybe there is a way to create points within closed curve without PopGeo? Thank you

The only output of that node is the points.

There’s warious ways to do pretty much anything. Since you post here I assume that you are familiar with coding. If is C# then eleborate more and I could provide some indicative solution(s) … including doing all that (rnd pts, vor cells etc etc) solely via code…

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Hey! I have the same question. I hope you can still help.

I to 10 what is your C# level?

I am pretty new to grasshopper and need this for a university project so i haven’t gotten into the details due to the deadline. I have very little knowledge of coding

Well … the bad news is that whatever solution I’ll provide it would be done solely via C# code … meaning that it would be a black box to you … meaning the obvious (impossible for you to change anything etc etc).

But If you insist describe EXPLICITLY what sort of stuff you want: for instance I have a List of BrepFaces and I want to spread rand pts inside or outside’m etc etc. Plus give a hint why the related GH native components are not suitable for you.

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there are many ways
You can use Pop Geo and just take a part of the point generated,
you can generate point using Random component and then just take the one that are inside …
Your question is very open so it is hard to help you well if you don’t explain your purpose.

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What I’m trying to do is change the positions of the points in the voronoi so that i can get at least the x axis as 90° in them.

At least one of each cell’s sides being orthogonal for it to be habitable.
It’s very similar to what’s happening in the image. (Credits to Vertical Village: A Sustainable Way of Village-Style Living / Yushang Zhang, Rajiv Sewtahal, Riemer Postma & Qianqian Cai)

So it looks like what you actually need is a transform that makes a random set of points semi-orthogonal with their closest neighbours. Or even a method of randomly generating points within a volume that already have that property.

You can use

If you use some Neighbour points in the same plane as the Point (~center) this could do the job

What this image already illustrates well, is that a plane separating two voronoi cells is always perpendicular to the line connecting the pair of points used to create these cells. Therefore, if you want to generate cells with faces alligned to XYZ axes, you need to make sure that the points used to generate the cells are alligned with these axes as well.

I suggest to start with regular orthogonal grid of points. Then you can eg. randomly remove some of them to introduce the randomness in the pattern.

See this file: (15.3 KB)