Randomize Voronoi Seed During Z-Offset

Hi all, this is my first post here and also the first time I’m learning scripting so please pardon any rookie mistakes. I’ve attached a screenshot as well as the script.

I have a script which divides a bounding curve (rectangle) into voroni cells, and I am able to move the curves along Z to create a series of “floors”.

My question is, I’d like each floor to have a randomized voroni
seed so that the floors are unique. How should I go about this? Any suggestions are appreciated, thanks!

Main script.gh (11.7 KB)

Welcome to the forum!

The very same set of points produce the very same Voronoi diagram, so in order to get variations you need to change the points on which the diagram is built

Geometries are not internalized in your script

I think something like the bottom group and grafting the Boundaries input of Voronoi will do the trick:

Main script_Re.gh (16.8 KB)

You didn’t internalize your geometry. When it’s simple like this, it’s best to create a rectangle using GH instead of drawing it in Rhino.

Voronoi_2024Aug29a.gh (11.9 KB)

Thank you for the welcome and for a solution :slight_smile: Now I know to internalize geometries before sending!

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Thank you! Both proposed solutions work, this one is more suited for my script as I progress, marked as solution :slight_smile:

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