Move fwd or backward other curves to selected curve command?

unable to join curves.

we have all been there !
one is further fwd or backward than the other.
I normally project to cplane then join (delet original yes) then have to put back to where it should be., using top view or whatever appropriate.
I wish instead to run a command that brings other selected curves fwd or backward to my initial picked curve.

Is there such a command ?




I run SetPt and with all default XYZ and set world selected it becomes a dot.

I try again with X ticked and it becomes a line in my back view.

I try again with Y selected and it vanishes.

If I have some curves in Back view and wish to have them all on the same plane, and on the plane of the first one selected, what settings do I use ? How is this done ?



SetPt is the command to use. Note that SetPt has choice of using World or Cplane coordinates.

Post an example if you want a more specific response.

Start the SetPt command. While in the command, press F1…

example attached.
in Back view I need to select A B and C and get them all onto the plane of B, then I can joint them.

To be able to select B first indicating that plane or otherwise select B afterwards before command runs ?
use of SetPt.3dm (34.3 KB)


I run F1 and get error occurred with script on this page.

I try for Z and no good,
Itry for just Y and then pick B and behold they align to B in top view.

so when in front or back view untick all except Y, and with world blobbed, proceed selecting the curve to which others should align.


Can’t help with V5 problems…

I have 3 aliases

sx: ! _-SetPt _Pause _XSet=_Yes _YSet=_No _ZSet=_No _Alignment=_World _Copy=_No
sy: ! _-SetPt _Pause _YSet=_Yes _XSet=_No _ZSet=_No _Alignment=_World _Copy=_No
sz: ! _-SetPt _Pause _ZSet=_Yes _YSet=_No _XSet=_No _Alignment=_World _Copy=_No

(world-coordinate based)

The help topic for SetPt is not entirely correct and could perhaps be improved.

It currently says:

The SetPt command moves objects to a specified location in the x, y, and/or z directions.

This statement is misleading in the sense that it might imply that it’s a simple move-type command - which it is not. It actually transforms the control points of objects, which can have completely different effect from a simple translation on curve or surface objects.

It should state something more like this:

The SetPt command moves selected points and control points of objects to a specified location in the x, y, and/or z directions. If entire objects such as curves or surfaces are selected without activating control points, SetPt will move all of the objects’ control points to that location. This may result in a flattening or distortion of the object.

SetPt works the same in V5, V6, V7 and V8.

Several alternatives to use SetPt with your example (Near Osnap is assumed on):

A) Start SetPt
In response to “Select objects to transfom” select A and C. No need to select B.
Enter or right click after selecting objects and the SetPt panel should appear.
Make sure World coordinates are selected.
Select Set Y only.
Click OK to close the SetPt panel
In any view move the cursor snaps to B and objects A and C align with B.
Left click to complete the command. (Right click or Enter cancels the command.)

B) Select A and C. No need to select B.
Start SetPt
The SetPt panel should appear.
Make sure World coordinates are selected.
Select Set Y only.
Click OK to close the SetPt panel
In any view move the cursor snaps to B and objects A and C align with B.
Left click to complete the command. (Right click or Enter cancels the command.)

I believe I said that…

Correct, my mistake. I’ll delete the post with the error.

The topic is updated with your description and I took the chance to review the whole topic and update the video clip. Thanks.

Hey Kevin,
Superb update, thanks! :+1:t2::+1:t2:

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Given the fact that a command called SetPt was a million thoughts away from what I would need for moving lines and curves onto the same plane for editing, creating radii circles to, and joining together.

Can I suggest in the video it also shows the simple moving of curves as well as its use on points.

In ortho front one needs to just tick Y and world, in the lower right ortho window one needs X and world, to bring the curves etc together in an iin/out at you direction.


Thanks for the suggestion. The video clip has been updated with the curve example added as the second part.