Morphing/Tween Shapes in Grasshopper

Hello there, I am attempting in take two shapes in order to create a platform but there is just one issue which is when I loft the two shapes it pinches. But I figured that if i can have a metamorphosis effect between the shapes then I can figure on how to continue working on the form- the problem is that I do not know how to do this. I have tried tween but to no avail it doesn’t work as should because it had just copied the top geometry. Any help will be greatly (8.5 KB)

Hello there, I am attempting in take two shapes in order to create a platform but there is just one issue which is when I loft the two shapes it pinches.

Tweens not doing anything for you here. Some things you can do off the bat is align the curve seams and switch the loft options (O) refit option on. Other than that you will need to play with the amount and location of control points. (8.1 KB)

Thank you