Modify Existing Contours to Fit Required Slope %

Hi everyone,

So I made a wee progress. Still something wrong with it.
1.Z values of points of original surface which are closer to curve should be as close as possible to Z value of Curve centre point. Something like this(Still has some strange things happening):

  1. I want somehow bring back control of falloff effect. So I can control transition smoothness along the curve and across. Like on this image:

  2. Also over the years you guys had some nice options to control how smooth transition is going to be.
    Cant find a way to integrate it?

I find some good examples done by @HS_Kim here: Transform a surface with attractor points - #3 by HS_Kim

@HS_Kim maybe you will be able to help? It looks like I a missing a small thing. It is probably I am staring at the same problem for too long.

Thank you :blush: