Modelling organic surfaces

Hi all,

I am trying to create surfaces with an organic feel to them, so I think SubD is the way to go. For example (AI generated):


I’d think this would be easiest combining multiple SubD (boolean? is that a good option with SubD) and/or stitch them together, but am somehow still lost in how to approach this.

What would be a good workflow for this?
Thank you!

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check the tutorials in the SubD and the Jewellery category:

also notice there is a _SubDSweep2

check further SubD features / commands:

you can not Boolean Union SubDs - you have to convert them to nurbs.
But this also depends on what you re gona do after modelling - just a rendering ? a 3d-print ? up to a complex urban project that will be build…

start with the modelling, post your file and come back to this topic with specific questions for details you don t manage.

hope this helps - kind regards - tom

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