Creating Surfaces as a combination of geometry

Hi everyone, I have a question about modeling surfaces that I’m struggling to wrap my head around. I’m trying to create wavy, dune-like surfaces with ‘pointy’ tops and want to achieve an organic feel using SubD modeling. I came across a suggestion to start with cones, perform a boolean union, convert to a mesh, and then to SubD. However, the resulting SubD model feels quite complex and difficult to work with.

The idea is to combine basic shapes (like cones and cubes) into a single surface that I can refine as one cohesive piece. Am I going about this the wrong way? Would it be better to use NURBS to create this kind of surface? I’ve looked at some online videos but still find it challenging to differentiate between these techniques.

Thanks in advance!

after joining/union maybe delete the bottom surface then use QuadRemesh. uncheck detect hard edges and check option subd. try 500 target quads, check preview and hide input geometry for a good preview

here i have 150 quads and the adaptive size set to 0

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That’s great…Thank you!