Modeling Strategy

Thank you soooo much. This is exactly what I am looking for. Let me try to do it, again.

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I am lost at the green surfaces. I can’t loft somehow.

It looks like a simple edge fillet to me. I trimmed out the surfaces then ran Pipe along the edge. Followed by Intersection curves. Then used the curves to trim the surfaces. The back end ain’t pretty but without a pic of that area I kept things simple.

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_loft from (untrimmed) edge to (untrimmed) edge, both with tangent option.

_matchSrf the pink edge to the main surface (tangent, closest point, refine yes)

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Thank you so much, again.

Thank you all so much for the help. I was able to draw the wingtip. It ain’t pretty, but it is acceptable on my level. It’ll get better over time, I am sure…
I have another question… Why do these edges jagged? Those edges are curvature continues.

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That would be your render mesh settings. Go into the tools in options and try the smoother slower option. —Mark

It is already in smoother / slower option. Weird.

For the meshes to line up, the surfaces need to be joined.

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Is your wing built off a NACA curve?

Hi, great work!
If you go to:

You find coordinate/shape for 64A215. Be sure to use "Venkataraman fit " profiles, so you are not using the original ones made for hand drawings.

Also for other projects you may want to have a look at this excellent overview:


Thank you so much for the resources. Yes, I am using NACA airfoil shapes. The model I am trying to make is for display only, so no RC is intended. Ultimately, I would like to print them.

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Even though I have some progress, I could not achieve the look I am after. Please see the images below. I cannot make the leading edge of the wingtip. It looks very simple in original photos above, but I cannot figure it out.

Please help. I am going crazy. I spent countless hours on this, I cannot even move on to other parts of the project. If this was for a client or a job, I would be fired by now.
FLAMINGO.3dm (2.3 MB)

I thought I was OK with the solution I have posted earlier, I guess I wasn’t. Something didn’t look OK and I am very frustrated.

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surfacing takes time and time to learn. Is the attached close to what you are after?
FLAMINGO_SG.3dm (1.5 MB)


Thank you so much! I am after three-way blend where all fillets (leading edge + edge fillets from top and bottom) intersect.
Would it be too much for me to ask how to achieve that?

I have no idea what that means. The model I sent was based of the first sketch.

this was my interpretation of your wish.

what is wrong with this version ?
if this does not fit - please feedback based on this file, in the 3d File with a section or a view you do not like - it is impossible to help based on some terms like


Thank you so much, all. I guess I handled it. @Tom_P I loved your solution, but I couldn’t duplicate it myself (for learning purposes). Somehow, surfaces do not want to match.
Happy holidays!