Modeling a Crewmate from AmongUs, need help!

This is a college project about making 3D models, and I chose this little fella. He’s basically a bunch of curves, very soft, and I have no ideia where to begin with his body. I’ve used Subd > Primitives > Box for the backpack and visor, but struggled to do so with the body. Any help is appreciated I am in a pickle haha
Also I cannot use any other software for this in any step of the process.

Hi Pedro,

Take a look at the Rhino SubD training video page at Rhino - Learn to use Rhino ( In particular, look at the Paperdoll SubD Modelling technique video. Ten minutes spent there should give you some good ideas about how you can change, adapt and extend a SubD form. Lots of other good stuff on that page too.

Good luck with your project,

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I agree with Jeremy.
Check some basics with subd.
Addionally you mighty consider to build some basic solids.
( including box cylinder revolve extrudecrv and maybe loft or even networksrf )
Then shrinkwrap quadremesh to subd an fine tune.

There is some video Garbage into gold.

Also may have a look a Kyle s video called paper doll methode.

Post a 3dm file as soon as you get stucked

subD_crewmate.3dm (3.3 MB)

start with 2
arroundFaces = 8
solid = no
the legs

2 edges with 2 segments

arroundfaces = 16
solid = no
for the upper body

Gumball-Scale the Cylinder

the upper part with the legs-part

to close the openings

and gumball-Extrude for the Glasses and the Backpack…

to get interactive symmetry before you finetune the shape…