I have texts in the same annotation style in my file.
I also have the Enable model space scaling enabled.
However when I change the scale, some change while others don’t.
Is there a way this can be fixed without replacing all the text that aren’t affected by the change in model space scale?
I can’t find any other solution other than just redoing the texts, but this would be quite the double work at this point…
I’ve uploaded a file with one text that the scaling works, and one that it doesn’t.
Any ideas would be helpful.
It looks like this is a left over thing from Rhino 5. Do you still have Rhino 5? In that case you can copy the texts to Rhino 5 and for the refusing text enable the Layout Scaling checkbox. That seems to solve the issue. I tried to do it with scripts as well but could not find methods for it. If you don’t have Rhino 5 just send the texts of you file and then I’ll fix it for you.