Hi. I do need to change the behaviour of the Middle Click Button to show a Popup windows with commands that are displayed only as icons and seems that there it is no option in the settings to do this!
It is possible to add a settings option to display this popup window as icons like it is by default into the Windows version of Rhino?
Unfortunately this script it is not solving the problem because the popup window remains active after pressing a button or clickung outside of the window. Need a native solution that will close the window popup after issuing a command.
Maybe this script can be changed to close automatically the popup window?
In windows Rhino, we have _PopupToolbar as well as _ShowToolbar. ShowToolbar leaves the toolbar open. PopupToolbar closes the popped up toolbar after a button is clicked - like the MMB toolbar.
Maybe Mac has a _PopupToolPallette command? If so that should work, I guess - nothing to test with here.
There was in V6, but V7 behaves differently - due to a bug fix that apparently fixed a bug of some sort, but made the popup (using the mentioned macro) reappear. Very frustrating!!!
Se this topic. As I said many times: this is a workflow-regression and I really hope we would get a real popup toolbar command in V7 (or a decent fix for the macro)!