Metal catwalk deformation

Is possible to deform a 3D assembly (metal catwalk) made out of angles and flat bars like if a big round tube fell on it and left the round shape deformation on the structure?

Hello - I don’t see a good way, off hand, to do that in a convincing way with a surface model - I’d think there might be tools, possibly in Grasshopper, maybe via Kangaroo, to deform meshes in the way you desribe - but I’m just guessing.


Here’s a rough go at something like this - using a plastic mesh and bashing it a bit with a collision object then using that to deform some other more complex solid: (34.6 KB)

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You might also be able to do this in Rhino with a cage edit…

Yeah - I though it would be hard to make it look very convincing or semi-realistic… but it’s hard to say without the model.
Depending on how much detail in the thing, you might need a lot of point in the cage but something along these lines


Thank you Pascal.

This looks really cool! Not in Rhino correct? What did you use to do it? Will cage edit perform similar? I’m not familiar with it.

Thank you.