What I am after is being able to bend metal in rhino, as opposed to creating plans of how a bent metal item will look and getting the S bends to look correct.
I would like to see how that item (file was attached) for example could be created by just creating the sheet of
metal then putting in that 90 deg twist into it and the lightening holes and their radiused edge.
Skyg said… If you have a well lofted wing using the method I outlined above, turn on the control points for the surface, and delete all the control points (there will be two rows of them) between the root and tip. In fact this is a good idea for anything that is being modeled as sheet metal, since unless it’s a hydroformed part or such, it’s sheet metal and can only be bent in one direction. So you now have a surface that is degree 3 in the direction of the chord of the airfoil, and degree 1 in span. This is perfect - this actually models the way sheet metal is bent.
Skyg has a way here of making a surface that is as metal bends.
Anyone care to show how that edge could be twisted following where on the plan it occurs. The S bend there was purely suggestive on the original 70 yr old plan and only by bending a solid or surface will we see the true shape and length of bend, I am after the solid and not the plan. I dont want to find myself trying to create how it looks in ortho
so as to then use that to bend it, I havent a clue if the actual bend would be 3mm or 5mm or 7mm, not knowing how it would actually bend given the physics of metal. I saw the turbocad user do it in 10 secs.
any links to tutorials on metal bending in rhino welcome.
ItemForMetalTwists.3dm (73.4 KB)