Mesh to surface/ Polysurface to single surface

Hi all,

I am trying to transform a mesh to a surface, in which I try to project the points from mesh to a boundary surface and then rebuild the boundary surface. But I didn’t make it finally. It will be grateful if anyone can check my GH script.

Another way I have tried is to use MeshtoNURB command and then transfer the same mesh to a polysurface. After that, I need to transfer the polysurface to a single surface, but I have no idea how to do this. However, I prefer to do it through GH rather than transfer the mesh to polysurface to surface.

Best regards,

mesh to surface.3dm (7.3 MB) mesh to (6.2 KB)


Try Pufferfish Mesh to Polysurface component.


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It’s a sad truth that rhino does not like grasshopper’s ProjectPoints or MeshRay for these matters - your logic made sense…

The pufferfish route suggested by BVR is valid, though you won’t get to an untrimmed surface, plus an ultra-faceted polysurface is no fun.

If you skip plug-ins (except Kangaroo2 within Rhino) then you can get it to work ‘fast’ via MeshMap:

mesh to (18.8 KB)

  • NOTE: You can achieve this without ‘meshmap’, for which you’d need to rely on the ClosestPoint command, which will freeze your machine most likely with these many points…




Thanks for the suggestion!


Hi @René_Corella

Very impressive!! It seems that I still have a long way to go to familiar with Grasshopper. Thank you so much.


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hi @René_Corella

When I try to convert another mesh to a surface, something weird happened. It cannot define the edge of the model and come up with (0,0,0).

mesh to surface_rev_test_1.3dm (2.0 MB) mesh to (18.4 KB)

Best regards,

Mesh to multi-faceted polysurface can be very simple but I didn’t bother to post this because the result is not a single surface, as required here. (52.7 KB)

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Hi @Joseph_Oster

Thanks Joseph. Is there any method to transform it to the single-surface?


Yeah. I even know this method (But still I’m learning a lot from you and other members here) to give him a quick solution I suggested Pufferfish component. As per @René_Corella reply the method I suggested also have some limitations. But I really love your approach you don’t use any plugins you try to provide all your solutions just with native grasshopper components that’s really fab. Whenever I need to have something without plugins your replies to thread really helps a lot. Keep going. Thanks and Regards.



@René_Corella has provided a method that looks similar to an approach I’ve used before - intersecting a grid of vertical lines with a mesh and then using SrfGrid. It depends on a rectangular surface. (483.7 KB)

It got more complicated when the mesh was double-sided:


Thank you for the kind words.

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that Rhino messing with 'ya!

loosen up the ‘A’ input and you should be fine:

also swapped the ListItem for a discontinuity component, all that was is getting the ‘corners’ of the hull though was erratic - both corrections in blue rectangles.

mesh to (42.1 KB)

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Hi @René_Corella,

It does work! I have learnt a lot from you and other members. Thanks a lot for teaching me the knowledge of this kind of work.

Warm regards,

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Hi all,

I’ve tried to do the same with this mesh:

I’ve got something wrong about the bang nodes :

Any idea ? Sorry I’ve just started grasshopper :slight_smile:

Please see attached the 3d model link (can’t upload the 3d model through the platform)

Thanks in advance !


This open mesh has the appearance of a (previously trimmed) surface - Although I can’t say that’s the case 100%, that old grasshopper example won’t work for you.

It’s probably safer to use the original surface (if there is one), prior to it being trimmed (if it got trimmed lol), or the original mesh, to then try to do a simpler/clean network or edge surface that approximates your mesh properly.

Because you’re replying to this thread where the original post includes getting a polysurface as an option, then you could just grab the quad mesh faces of your current mesh, turn them into 4pt surfaces, and join them as a polysurface:

Another option to quickly turn your mesh, as is, into a polysurface, is via SubD:

Keep in mind this conversion smooths the object (check corners):

Afterwards, you can bake this SUBD as a brep (polysurface).

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Hi All,

we are trying to have smooth Single surface from mesh but no luck.
will appreciate if some suggest the solution.

PATTERN TRIAL.3dm (787.9 KB)

This is difficult in Rhino 6. I assume you don’t have Rhino 7.

I tried projecting the mesh to a horizontal plane, rebuild it as surface, divide and project the points back to the mesh. But the mesh edges aren’t four straight lines which makes this approach almost impossible. The polylines need to be rebuilt as degree curves and due to the polylines not being straight, some of the surface points are basically outside the original mesh and thus cannot be projected back to the mesh

The only solution I currently see is by trimming the rebuilt surface a tiny bit until all points are within the perimeter.

Rhino 7 has QuadRemesh which could also be used to rebuild the mesh with just quads. The sorted vertices can be used to create a surface from points.

thanks for reply.
we have Rhino 7. andyes can do quad mesh. the issue is how we can avoid kinks and to have smooth surface.

Try these settings and then ToNurbs with the option Faces = Packed.

The result should be a single surface.


Thanks @martinsiegrist
it worked & resolved the issue.

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