I need some help creating the dot pattern and I’m assuming grasshopper is the way to do it.
The speaker mesh follows a curve at the bottom and slowly transitions to a straight horizontal line in the center. I need the circles to follow the curves and fit the overall circular shape.
Where can I find some resources to get me started and has anyone made something like this before?
This version produces something closer to the image. Holes are aligned on curves that “bend” more at top and bottom. I had some trouble with off-by-one errors setting ‘Step’ and ‘Radius’ sliders independently. It’s still possible for small circles (“holes”) to cross the large circle.
I had to build it to answer your question. Reminds me of a story…
A woman once came to Mahatma Gandhi with her little boy. She asked, “Mahatma-ji, tell my little boy to stop eating sugar.” “Come back in three days,” said Gandhi. In three days the woman and the little boy returned and Mahatma Gandhi said to the little boy, “Stop eating sugar.” The woman asked, “Why was it necessary for us to return only after three days for you to tell my little boy that?” The Mahatma replied: “Three days ago I had not stopped eating sugar.” ― Ram Dass, Be Here Now
What you built worked great. I was able to use the sliders to get the design I needed.
I’m such a noob I have to ask this: How do I cut this into an existing surface?
I’ve watched some tutorials that said to convert it to a mesh and then I totally get lost. Are there any courses you would recommend to get me started?
This is my modified grasshopper file. The rhino file shows a red surface that I want to cut the perforations with. The purple circle is where the perforations stop. How do I cut an existing surface? the online tutorials are only showing me how to do it with a surface that was built with grasshopper.
The code is so mangled I didn’t recognize it any more, in part because it appears you used version ‘22c’, clearly labeled “DEPRECATED”, instead of the better version ‘22d’. That’s too bad.
I didn’t bother trying to fix it or trying to find a solution that doesn’t take 4.8 minutes to run
I converted the pattern to curves and baked it. Then manually cut the holes out.
This is great. Now I know how to have grasshopper so it. I’ll have to look at the other file you sent. When I opened all of them this one seemed to give me the look I was going after.
This implements version ‘22d’ integrated with your Rhino file. It uses a different method to cut the holes that takes only 17.8 seconds (red group) instead of 4.8 minutes. Still, the slow SrfSplit component should be disabled while manipulating parameters.
Unfortunately, the Rhino file is not precise. The circle is very close but not centered at the origin. ‘Layer 01’ (red) should be hidden to see the holed brep.