Mesh mapping issue

Hello. I exported a sketchfab file as OBJ. It created a VDSK.obj file, VDSK.mtl file, VDSK textures separate folder.

As you see, the material file clearly shows the path of texture in VDSK folder.
Then I open VDSK.obj file. But it shows a strange list of textures with _rhdiffuse ending which are missing. And I receive empty textures (only colors).


Why Rhino forces to have this kind of file?

I try to change the texture into the existing one. One texture is recovered. Then I waste time to recover all remaining textures.

Exported again into OBJ. Reopened, the same headache.
How can I avoid this?

Hello - please post the original file and the Rhino file to with a link back to this topic in your comments.
