I have a large object mesh that was created using photogrammetry. The bottom was hidden so I’m left with a big hole that has many edges. My goal is to basically fill in the large hole with a flat bottom. I started by using SelNakedMeshEdgePt to get the edge points, scaled them down, and used SetPt to set a consistent Z height. However, using FillMeshHole still doesn’t create a nice smooth flat bottom. I’ve exaggerated the Z depth in the images to illustrate the point.
What am I missing? Do I need to smooth or reduce the edge count in order to create a clean bottom? Is there another step/tool that I should use first?
Thanks a bunch. It worked quite well. I did add a step to flatten the bottom (using Set XYZ transform) after a couple of “SelConnected” steps just to create a flat base on the object. I changed some of the values in MatchMeshEdge to reduce the number of bad edges. However, I still had to manually clean up a few (a very workable 6 non-manifold edges). I’m guessing I could have saved that effort if I knew in step 1 which were the right points to delete. In the end I have a watertight mesh now suitable for further processing.