While preparing an example file to post here, I realized that the Mesh Brep component in Rhino 8 is about 4-5 times slower than in Rhino 7. The resulting mesh appears to be the same.
Is there any reason? Or is it a problem?
Thank you,
PS In the attached example, meshing a sphere takes around 1.2 seconds on Rhino 7 and around 5.5 seconds in Rhino 8
Mesh Brep Example.gh (7.6 KB)
October 14, 2024, 1:22pm
I created a youtrack RH-84278 to investigate, this is similar to this issue recently reported.
Hello all,
I’m having an issue with the perp frame component in Grasshopper, Rhino 8. The component runs super slow in Rhino 8. I did a comparison with the same curve, same components, in Rhino 7 it seems to be reasonable. (screenshot attached, showing rhino 8 runs almost 10 min vs rhino 7 about 45 seconds)
Initially I thought it could be caused by the changing from .Net Framework to .Net Core, but after testing in both modes using the setDotNetRuntime Command, it seems in R…
Thank you @Japhy .
I recently posted another Rhino 8 speed issue related to the Mesh-Plane intersection component:
I’m posting this here since it’s the most recent question about the new MeshPlane component performance.
Like @Karel_Pěnička I’d also like to know if there is any way to speed up the Mesh-Plane intersection operation, as I have several applications where hundreds of intersections with dense meshes are performed, and this significantly impacts the total computation time.
I’m attaching two Gh files, one for Rhino 7 and one for Rhino 8, where the Mesh/Plane component is around 9 times slower.
Is it possible that it’s also somehow related to these problems? Could you please take a look? Thank you!