Mesh Brep operation slow in Rhino 8


While preparing an example file to post here, I realized that the Mesh Brep component in Rhino 8 is about 4-5 times slower than in Rhino 7. The resulting mesh appears to be the same.

Is there any reason? Or is it a problem?

Thank you,


PS In the attached example, meshing a sphere takes around 1.2 seconds on Rhino 7 and around 5.5 seconds in Rhino 8

Mesh Brep (7.6 KB)

Rhino 7:

Rhino 8:


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I created a youtrack RH-84278 to investigate, this is similar to this issue recently reported.

Thank you @Japhy .

I recently posted another Rhino 8 speed issue related to the Mesh-Plane intersection component:

Is it possible that it’s also somehow related to these problems? Could you please take a look? Thank you!