Grasshopper suddenly turned slow?

Hello together.
I am currently pretty deep into my research project using grasshopper for cfrp path planning using a self-written c# algorithm in rhino 8. grasshopper has worked nicely for the last weeks and I have come around to lower conputation times of this pretty intense path propagating algorithm by using parallel loops etc. in the c# component, as I am working with tons of line projections on a brep body. My current internal and external time measurements were pretty stable at 1-4 seconds for the c# algorithm and a few more seconds distributed among some grasshopper-native components like brep-offsetting and brep-contour lines and many others. I usually had 100% CPU usage and most of my RAM allocated while using only google chrome in parallel when calculating a new solution. I have come around to make the process very stable and have not encountered any computation time issues since refining the code.

However starting from around last thursday, the current but also the older versions of my script take much more time for the calculations with identical inputs and output. This goes for new/new, old/old (from 2 weeks ago), new/old and old/new combinations of gh/3dm files with same cad geometries and pretty similar gh c# scripts each.
The runtimes have multiplied by a factor of roughly 20, leading to computation times of more than a minute for a full canvas solution. This increase is evident for my c# script component as well as for the native grasshopper components. My laptop power settings have not differed since, I have restarted laptop and rhino/grasshopper multiple times, tried older versions of the .3dm and .gh files. All showing the same issue of computation times having increased by >10 times compared to before.
My grasshopper version and my rhino version are both an old install from beginning of April, I installed them at this time but didn’t use up until the start of my project.
GH Version Wednesday, 10 April 2024 05:00, Build 1.0.0008
Rhino Version 8 SR6 (8.6.24101.5001, 2024-04-10) Evaluation

I have tried running the same program on a friends computer with the exact same files. His is taking around 2 seconds again like it did recently on my computer while mine still takes 45 seconds to compute my c# component.

Does anybody have an idea on what else to try or what the reason could be? I have no idea what it could be anymore since my actual script did not change. Thanks for any help in advance…

Well I guess a clean deinstall and new install of Rhino 8 did the trick. No idea on what was wrong before.
Case closed

just curious, did you re-install the old version you had from April 10, or installed the latest available release?

I installed the newest version now. works totally fine again :smiley:
Version 8 SR10
(8.10.24228.13001, 2024-08-15)

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