A command I frequently used in Rhino 6 was Merge all surfaces - and it seems to have disappeared in Rhino 7. Is it possible that this function has morphed into another one, or has it just been left out?
Many thanks.
A command I frequently used in Rhino 6 was Merge all surfaces - and it seems to have disappeared in Rhino 7. Is it possible that this function has morphed into another one, or has it just been left out?
Many thanks.
Hi @daverwls
MergeAllCoplanarFaces is the new name. Mainly to clarify to users, that it only deals in coplaner surfaces, I think
HTH, Jakob
Many thanks Jakob!
The old command name should probably still run the new command - checking…
It does - it does not autocomplete but it runs so that old macros and scripts will still work.
When it wuold works for Cilindrical and splitted Srfs as well?
I used the Merge Faces (FMerge) in Grasshopper with Rhino 6 without fail. Now, with Rhino 7, the same script produces invalid breps. I wonder if it has to do this this change in Rhino? See attached GH file.
Invalid breps.gh (2.7 MB)
Hello - there was a bug in V7 that caused this, now fixed. You may get the fix if you change Options > Updates and Statisitcs > Update frequency to “Service release candidate”.
RH-62250 MergeAllCoplanarFaces: Creates an invalid object
Wow, thanks Pascal! Really appreciate your quick response.
I just noticed that I still get some invalid breps. See attached GH file. They are not invalid in Rhino 6. I’m running version 7.4.21040.13001, 2021-02-09. Perhaps a bug?
20210217 Invalid breps.gh (2.7 MB)
In 6 with “merge all surfaces” you were able to select object and run the command, in 7 one needs to select surfaces one by one. Please make it work like it use to be.
Hello - MergeAllCoplanarFaces
works with pre-selection in V7. MergeCoplanarFace
asks for the two faces one by one. Does that make sense with what you see?
Yes it makes sence what I see but it was way better like it use to be in V6. In V6 after creating complex polysurface with boolean union for example, it was possible to merge all faces and that then did make furter modification way easier. Like fillet edge was running smoothly. And least for me that preselection for MergeAllCoplanarFaces is not working.
So, it does not make sense with what you see. What happens if you select a polysurface with split coplanar faces and then run the MergeAllCoplanarFaces
- anything?
“What happens if you select a polysurface with split coplanar faces and then run the MergeAllCoplanarFaces
- anything?”: this works.
But the same problem stays.
Please let me know it there is better way to merge all surfaces from multiple objects at once, without selecting all faces one by one? In V7?
Hi Atte - I’m sorry, I just do not understand what exactly the problem is - you should be able to select multiple polysurfaces and MergeAllCoplanarFaces
on all at once.
Yes I agree, should be able to select multiple polysurfaces and MergeAllCoplanarFaces
on all at once. But I can not. If I try to drag selection window after selecting MergeAllCoplanarFaces, nothing happens. If I select multiple faces or if I go wild and select multiple objects with multiple split faces and then try to select MergeAllCoplanarFaces
: Nothing happens. This is something that I do daily with V6.
Dunno, works fine here…
This file has objects with coplanar faces. MergeDC01.3dm (1.7 MB)
I start MergeAllCoplanarFaces
, the select the the objects and the objects are highlighted. Then I complete the command and the coplanar faces are merge.
@atte.olavi What happens if you download and try this file?
Are you using MergeAllCoplanarFaces
or MergeCoplanarFace
MergeCoplanarFace behaves as described above…
MergeAllCoplanarFaces allows for the selection of one or more meshes, polysurfaces or SubDs, and then all coplanar faces in the selected objects are merged.
With this it works perfectly. I´m confused. But it´s great that it works.
My guess is previously you were using MergeCoplanarFace
when you thought you were using MergeAllCoplanarFaces
If you click on a button to start the commad the two commands use the same button. MergeAllCoplanarFaces
starts with right click while MergeCoplanarFace
starts with the more frequently used left click.
If you are typing the command then auto-complete may complete with the wrong command. I’ve had that happen more than once when trying to start various commands.