i need to measure heights of windows and doors in architectural plans in rhino with visualarq3.
In germany this measures are written underneath the dimension of the lenght of the thing you want to measure.
This means the lenght above the line and the height underneath the line.
Imagine a door with a lenght of 1,20 m and a height of 2,25 m.
How can I add the height of an object, underneath the line?
This function looks similar to the function “alternative units”, if you want to write the lenght of the door in meters and underneath in centimeters.
But that is not what I am searching for.
This is a VisualARQ tag, which can show properties and information of the object that is linked to. In this case, it shows the door width and height with a breakline that acts as the tag label. The properties displayed in the tag (and the label shape) can be managed from the tag styles dialog (vaTagStyles).
In that example, I’ve used the tag style “Opening dimensions with breakline”, that comes within the VisualARQ templates.
From the Label tab you can see which properties will display: