Mcneel plugins for rhino mac

Hi community i have a question about your own Plugins like Flamingo, Penguin, … .
In some posts you said before you create the sdk kit for third party developers you want to develop your own plugins for the mac Version of rhino.
Is this true?
Is a public beta version planned?
Will we find the Plugins at the pricing for the RC1 (in packages)?

I especially interested in the Penguin plugin because technical Illustrations with Illustrator are beautiful but they cost a lot of time and this problem should have an end with Penguin.

Please read all the info here, here and here.

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Hi, thanks for the fast answer but there only informations about the third party plugins and not about the plugins from mcneel.

Plug-ins from McNeel will be the first to arrive, as they will be tests for the third-party SDK… There is however no set schedule. --Mitch

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