Maxwell Render plug-in not ready for Rhino 8

Continuing the discussion from SubstanceImporter 2.0.5 is now available:

We’ve found that there is a conflict between the Maxwell for Rhino plugin and the new SubstanceImporter 2.0.5 plug-in.

In the process I learnt from Next Limit that, although the Maxwell plug-in installs in R8 automatically when upgrading from R7, it can’t render any geometry. I’m uninstalling it from R8 until Next Limit have the new plug-in ready and until then will use R7 if I need a Maxwell render.

I just recently upgraded to version 8 but I didn’t personally like the way that a project looks in the new renderer so I’m finishing up this project in version 7 (which i never deleted). If I choose to buy a single-node license for Maxwell - will it work on both version 7 and 8?

I think that after this project is completed. I’m exclusively using version 8 -but i might want to buy Maxwell or comparable renderer. Upgrade over the default Rhino?

Have a look into Bella renderer.

There are a few of us here that use it, and it is outstanding.

There are various discussions dotted around it, and some gallery entries. It has recently had an upgraded trial version too, with no usage time limit.

Only caveat is that it is CPU only for the time being. But it is still very, very fast for what it does.

Hi Edward,

A single licence for Maxwell will (should!) work in R7 and R8. There is a new plugin out for R8 but I found it would not initialize in R8.6. I’m waiting to hear from Next Limit Tech Support on this.

Much as I like the style of image that Maxwell produces, I am tiring of the hoops you have to jump through to use it with Rhino…


Thanks - will do!