Material properties, Layer material

Hello, I have just gotten my RH8 license. After exploring the new version for some time, I tried to do some material settings and rendering. I am still rendering in old V-ray 3.60.04, but it seems like RH8 and V-ray completely lost compatibility. When I set the current renderer to V-ray, object properties loose material panel:

As for now, I was used to assigning material by layer, but when some mistakes are made (f.e. by properties match) and I need to set material back to “by layer” or do some other custom changes, do I really need to set the renderer to Rhino render to set materials and back when I want to render?? Or am I missing something? This seems like so basic property to cancel it out when the render engine changes.

Moreover, I have issues assigning V-ray material to the layer. Before it was possible to assign it from the layer manager. Now, not only some materials are missing and some are not, but when I click on material, I have no option to choose from v-ray materials. When I assign a material to a layer from v-ray asset editor, I do not see the assigned material in the layer manager, but only a blank circle (and it behaves like rhino material instead of v-ray material):

If I am missing something, please advise. As for now, I am very disappointed with the new version and I am considering going back to RH 6 as it is far more stable and compatible with some basic plug-ins.

Hello Joe,

V-Ray 3.x won’t work on Rhino 8. I’m surprised it even loads. The installer prevents you installing it anyway.

A lot of things changed in the Rhino SDK over the last 7 years, which obviously V-Ray 3.x does not support.
The last version of Rhino that V-Ray 3.x still supports is Rhino 6 SP5
The least version of V-Ray that supports Rhino 8 is V-Ray 6 Update 2 (6.20.00). Using older V-Ray release on Rhino 8 will most likely result in crash, since the official Rhino 8 SDK is not binary compatible with all of the previous releases - 8 BETA, 8 WIP, 7, etc.

Well, that is disappointing. I am not a visual artist, we do architectural planning. Visualizations are just a small but essential portion of our work. Small ones we generate on our own, but more complex renderings we leave to professional visual artists. It is too expensive to upgrade all the software when it is not essential to our work. Thank you for your answer tho, I will mark it as the solution.

I understand your frustration.
However mind that as Rhino evolves, the API does as well. We cannot put effort in supporting versions from 7 years ago. Basically we release new updates and hotfixes only for the current major version.

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