RhinoInside.Revit: Cannot modify the document for either a read-only external command is being executed, or changes to the document are temporarily disabled.
I can’t find (or don’t know) any external commands running. I get this error message as soon as I connect a color swatch even in an empty Grasshopper canvas.
Thank you, @kike.
I have an older version, 0.3.7762 (04/02/2021), and I’m getting this error in our company Revit template file. I’ll let you know if installing the latest RiR version would resolve the issue.
When I apply transparency, I’m getting this error message: “1. RevitAPI: values for shininess must be between 0 and 128
Parameter name: transparency”
I’m not sure why this message is about shininess when the transparency input is used. Is this a bug, or am I doing something wrong to apply transparency?